Monday, July 16, 2012

Summer Soiree...

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. My girlfriend, Lydia, had a summer soiree (definition) women over 40 who get together and drink wine, laugh, dance in the middle of the living room, and answer personal Truth or Dare type questions. It was a blast! What happens at the Soiree, stays at the Soiree.  Below are pictures that I can share.

I love to take pictures of food. Especially a pretty presentation. Yummy berries and grapes.

An assortment of wine glasses on a leopard print tray (TJ Maxx). I love the hodgepodge of wine glasses. That way you can tell which one is your glass.

Cake cake cake cake... UV Vodka cake with pineapple juice in a gorgeous martini glass. Delish.

The hostess with the mostess, Lydia. She loves to entertain and throws the best parties!

Sparklers to end the night.


  1. looks like fun. is the vodka "cake" flavored? love the leopard print tray!

  2. Hello, the vodka is cake flavored. Lydia found the tray at TJ Maxx
